Cable knit sweater embellished with hand crochet/knit fish & coral pieces, paired with eco-printed chino shorts
Sweater: Encrusted
Artist: Donna Taylor (knit jumper)
Artist: Nina Elliott (coral pieces)
Artist: Richard Brophy (wool dying & assembly)
Assisted by: Hannah Joest (wool dying)
Artist: Nina Elliott (coral pieces)
Artist: Richard Brophy (wool dying & assembly)
Assisted by: Hannah Joest (wool dying)
Description: Hand cable Knit Sweater in contemporary pattern, assembled with Naturally dyed heritage wool, adorned with free form knit & crochet coral pieces.
Media used: 100% heritage spun Brigs & Little wool, natural dyes (Seaweed, ferns, St. John’s wort)
Media used: 100% heritage spun Brigs & Little wool, natural dyes (Seaweed, ferns, St. John’s wort)
Techniques used: hand cable knit, Free form crochet & knitting, darning, hyperbolic sculpture, natural vat dying.
Total hours for sweater: 157 hours
Shorts: Distressed Floral Shorts
Artist: Kelly Jane Bruton (yardage)
Artist: Richard Brophy (shorts)
Artist: Tania Scott (resin buttons)
Artist: Richard Brophy (shorts)
Artist: Tania Scott (resin buttons)
Description: Chino shorts made with hand dyed eco-printed fabric, with handmade resin button.
Media used: 100% cotton cloth, locally grown various plants/flowers, handmade buttons, mini shells & sand, resin.
Techniques used: Soft pounding eco-printing, flat pattern, machine sewing, hand sewing, resin casting.
Total hours: 81 hours
Behind the Scene
Kelly Jane's Fabric Creation
