The ocean and nature of Newfoundland and Labrador have always been a profound source of inspiration for me. Childhood memories of beachcombing and my father's tales of sea lore imbued in me a deep fascination with the sea. My art draws heavily from these nostalgic memories and my heritage. Knitting with my great-grandmother’s needles reconnects me to our shared past, as if she is beside me with each stitch. My passion for mastering traditional skills, particularly natural dyeing, reflects my love for the beauty in imperfection and historical processes. Balancing the structured demands of industry with the free-spirited nature of craft, my work embodies a dynamic tension between order and chaos. This interplay fuels my creativity, resulting in pieces that celebrate both structure and spontaneity. Through my art, I strive to create meaningful works that honor my past and the natural world.
Richard Brophy was born and raised in Conception Bay South, Newfoundland. From an early age his fascination with art and fashion would lead him into a creative life and career within the fashion industry. He is a previous graduate of the Textiles Studies program with College of the North Atlantic. Graduating in 2009, he majored in Print & Dye, Knitting and Surface Embellishments. Upon graduating, he received the Governor General’s Award. To further his studies in fashion, he attended College LaSalle in Montreal, Quebec. He graduated from the Fashion Design program in 2013, majoring in Women’s wear. Throughout his creative career within the industry, Richard has headed up brands for mass-market Canada and the United States. Currently, in his role as a men’s wear designer for a prestigious Montreal brand, he is elevating men’s wear for major retailers in the North American market. While flourishing in the industry, Richard has stayed true to his artisan roots. In 2017, he launched his first independent couture collection GILDED. This collection aided a children’s school & orphanage in Ghana. His passion to give back through his art drives him forward. He incorporates many traditional techniques in his collections with the importance of preserving these precious skills. Richard is also passionate about teaching future artisans his trade. His craft will pass on as a legacy to his Irish/Newfoundland heritage and culture. Richard’s long-term goal is to return to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador to establish a fibre arts residency for emerging textile artists and designers.
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