Artist Statement
I am endlessly inspired by the versatility of crochet and am always looking for ways to challenge my skills. My commitment to the practise is tied to an enthusiasm for the unexpected, and this has fuelled a ten-year romance with yarn-bombing (the art of knit or crocheted graffiti). Yarn-bombing lead me to Free Form Crochet which introduced me to crocheted portraits and sculpture. Crochet in its essence is a simple skill, yet the great variance in which can be used is what keeps me coming back for more, year after year, project after project!

Artist Bio:
Nina Elliott is a fiber artist in Twillingate, Newfoundland who makes art as The Rock Vandal. She grew up in Hamilton Ontario and moved to Twillingate to work as an Occupational Therapist. 
After knitting too many hats she began experimenting with fiber-based street art and became completely hooked. ​​​​​​​
She has now installed art in 9 countries, contributed to the International Yarnbombing Festival in Italy and represented Canada at the 2021 World Heavy Metal Knitting Championships. In 2020, amidst the early COVID lockdowns she launched Newfoundland's Outdoor Art Gallery as a way to uplift her community and share her work. In 2022, the now annual event received ArtsNL funding allowing her to invite international artists.
Inspired by her career in Occupational Therapy Nina believes that art should be accessible and that it has the power to create happier and healthier communities. This philosophy has fuelled her creative journey and resulted in collaborations with brands such as Shorefast and Robins Donuts as well as festivals across the country.

Connect with Nina:
Instagram: @rock_vandal
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