Sculptural felted bustier worn with silk shorts and paired with statement earrings. 

Bustier: Big Wave
Artist: Michelle Churchill (dying & felting)
Artist: MJ LeBlanc (pattern & construction)
Description: Asymmetric felted and beaded bustier on burlap base and silk-lined with lacing back closure
Media used: 100% raw sheep’s wool, 100% linen rug warp, 100% silk lining, natural dye (indigo), acid dye, metal loops, cotton cord  
Techniques used: Pattern drafting, vat dying, hand felting, needle felting, beading, Machine sewing, Hand stitching
Total hours: 100

Shorts: Undercurrent 
Artist: MJ LeBlanc (dye, pattern, construction)
Assisted by: Larissa Zemke (natural dye) 
Description: Natural dyed silk shorts with zip back closure 
Media used: Silk, Natural Dye, Zipper
Techniques used: Pattern drafting, hand felting, needle felting, vat dying, beading, machine sewing, hand stitching.​​​​​​​
Total hours: 9 hours

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