Rug Hooked pull-over tunic with fish skin leather straps & buckles, worn with hand dyed capri cargo shorts and completed with chunky chain necklace & tanned fish skin cuff.
Tunic: Ripples in the Sand
Artist: Kate Thornhill (rug hooking & tunic)
Artist: Kelly Jane Bruton (tanned fish skins)
Assisted by: Richard Brophy (construction)
Artist: Kelly Jane Bruton (tanned fish skins)
Assisted by: Richard Brophy (construction)
Description: Rug hooked sleeveless tunic with bargello accent panel.
Media used: 100% linen rug warp, 100% wool yarn, acid dyes, 100% Cotton #3 Pearl embroidery thread, tanned fish skins, metal buckles.
Techniques used: Pattern drafting, bargello hand embroidery, rug hooking, hand stitching, vat dying, tanning.
Total hours: 117 hours.
Shorts: A Pocket Full of Onions
Artist: Richard Brophy (dye & cargo shorts)
Artist: Tania Scott (resin buttons)
Artist: Tania Scott (resin buttons)
Description: Cargo capri shorts made of naturally dyed cotton/linen blend cloth. Finished with handmade resin button.
Media used: 50% Cotton 50% Linen woven cloth, natural dyes (Onion skins, walnut husks, cutch, osage, iron), mini shells & sand, resin.
Techniques used: Pattern drafting, machine sewing, hand stitching, pleating/folding resist for dye, natural vat dying, resin casting.
Total hours: 44 hours
Necklace: From the Depths of the Sea
Artist: Tania Scott
Description: Gunmetal black chain and big lobster hooks for this deadly sea punk piece – dripping with seaweed leaf and floater bits along with shells, metal and real, sealed in resin with pearls and baubles galore.
Media used: Arctic harvested seaweed, metal chain, shells, resin, metal shell adornment, handmade resin beads, other glorious stuff.
Techniques used: Cleaning, pressing and drying of seaweed, resin seal, hand metal work.
Total hours: 25 hours.
Behind the Scene
