Artist Statement
Through using sustainable fibers, my present work pays homage to my childhood home which sits mere feet from the ocean and its rugged coastline. As a young girl I would spend many days around the water, watching as it washed against the granite rocks and collecting capelin as they rolled ashore. To me the ever-changing ocean patterns seemed immutable. I draw on these points of inspiration when creating my felted pieces. What is now impacting my thought process and work is the awareness of Climate change as it affects our way of life. By choosing sustainable medias and my desire to contribute to the creative preservation of our province of Newfoundland and Labrador, I am making a difference.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”, Margaret Mead.
Following a 38-year passionate career as a Registered Nurse, Debbie pursued a 2-year Textile and Apparel Design program offered by College of the North Atlantic. During this program her main focus was felting, embroidery, and eco-printing. Since graduating, Debbie has continued her practice in her home studio in the Goulds. Her work has been featured in various exhibitions where she will often focus her attention to various environmental and social concerns. She has taken part in numerous courses and workshops offered by artists from all over the world including Fiona Duthie, Irit Dulman, Nicola Brown, Molly Williams, and Lena Archibald. Debbie takes inspiration from her present environment and from her past experiences.
Connect with Debbie
Instagram: @naturleedesigns